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Globalization is a process by which over time, separate spaces worldwide become more interconnected in culture, technology, communication, trade, transportation, etc. In this process of globalization, countries grow closer despite distance. As a result, there are fewer isolated countries and more countries entering the global market.  The ease of communication and travel around the globe is a major form of globalization that can owe its success to interconnective technologies such as the internet and airplanes. As described by Doreen Massey in her podcast “On Space” with Social Science Bites, “Social space, I would say, is a product of our relations with each other, our connections with each other. So globalization, for instance, is a new geography constructed out of the relations we have with each other across the globe” (1). In other words, globalization is how those who occupy different spaces and individual places are closely connected to each other in different ways.


Globalization can come in the form of languages and food. Take for example, the fast food restaurant chain McDonalds. McDonalds started off in America and now has multiple locations all over the world. Its menu has been translated into dozens of different languages. Starbucks can also be seen as the product of globalization in that many countries contribute to making the Starbucks coffee and cup as indicated below.


The Internet is perhaps the best example of globalization. This connects countries far and wide and allows for the sharing of information across just about anywhere, from not only people involved in information sharing. Literally anyone can have a conversation with someone across the globe without any trouble. This sort of connectivity, especially in the social media realm, helped to bring the case of Michael Brown/Racial profiling in Ferguson to the forefront of not only American minds, but the case was picked up across the globe. The hashtags #blacklivesmatter, #handsupdontshoot have been trending worldwide. People from many different countries have shown their disdain for the racialized violence by taking photos with their hands up. One of the effects of globalization is the involvement of other peoples in the issues of a country. Other good examples of this include protests on the Iguala kidnappings of 43 Mexican students, and the Venezuelan protests of this year.

Not only is globalization good for spreading news like the Fergusen case around, but globalization- especially when dealing with the internet- leads to a better sense of social awareness. It brought things like Syria to our eyes, and lets us see what's really going on in other parts of the world. Before the Internet, people could watch the news to see what was going on in the world- but that was pretty one-sided, and we never really got to see things from other people's point of view- only the view that that particular news company wanted us to see. With the internet, people from all over the world connect so we can all see not only what is going on in other countries, but what other people's day to day lives are like across the globe. There is a sense of interconnectedness that comes with the internet- and that's pretty much all globalization is, the interconnectedness of the world.


The Olympics brings together almost 100 countries every 4 years. This allows for the joining of cultures, and the cooperation of thousands of people. The Olympics is also broadcasted worldwide, so that everyone is connected in watching their team and their opponents.

Another example of globalization is Facebook. There are 1.35 billion monthly users, with more than 1 trillion posts. This connects people all around the world, allowing them to easily communicate and share their ideas to their friends and family.

Another kind of globalization is financial globalization which, defined by Doreen Massey, is “The dominance of finance within the organization of the global economy” (1).

Furthermore, Massey casts globalization in a negative light: “The way in which we look at globalization at the moment: it turns space into time. For instance, we are often using a terminology of we are ‘developed’ countries, the countries behind us as it were, are ‘developing’ and then you’ve got ‘underdeveloped’ countries. Now what that does is to convert contemporaneous difference between those countries into a single linear history. It’s saying that that country over there . . . isn’t a country at the same moment which is different, but it’s a country which is following our historical path to become a ‘developed’ country like us” (1). That being said, there is a stereotype surrounding globalization that those who aren't following along in this growth process, the process of becoming more connected to other nations and peoples, simply haven't developed yet. In this sense, globalization actually works not as a unifying agent, but as a separator of the "globalized" from the "non-globalized". In reality, countries that are not as globalized may just be taking a different path altogether.

Critical Conversation[]

Much debate has occurred over the last couple of years in regards to the negative effects of globalization and how it effects both economics and culture in both developed and developing countries. Culture, media and identity have all challenged common themes and eliminated borders in regards to globalization. However, according to Embong, the media is in great control over the information conveyed. Thus, some people can consuming false information in regards to the true essence of different cultures globally. Culture and media have a large impact on society in which Embong tries to offer critiques and solutions to sharing culture globally in an appropriate way. Hafez continues with this argument in Why Media and Communication Studies Are Not Really International. Hafez argues that media globalization is unsophisticated and required more development. He believed that in order to solve this problem, media studies needs to be better integrated in today's global society. Not only does globalization have an effect on culture but it also has an effect on both developing and developed countries economies. Farda explains how globalization improves the economies in low, middle and high income countries that aids in all countries progressing and becoming more developed. However, there are many elements that Farda explains in Reopening the Debate on Globalisation and Economic Growth Through Technology Transfer that would help low-income countries progress at a more efficient rate helping countries reap more economic gains than before.

Keywords Doreen Massey "On Space"[]




Doreen Massey "On Space"



Embong, Abdul Rahman. "The Question Of Culture, Identity And Globalisation: An Unending Debate." Kajian Malaysia: Journal Of Malaysian Studies 29.(2011): 11-22. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 May 2015.

Hafez, Kai. "The Methodology Trap -- Why Media And Communication Studies Are Not Really International." Communications: The European Journal Of Communication Research 38.3 (2013): 323-329. Communication & Mass Media Complete. Web. 10 May 2015.

Farda, Mina Sabbaghpour, Cheong Kee-Cheok, and Yap Su-Fei. "Reopening The Debate On Globalisation And Economic Growth Through Technology Transfer." Malaysian Journal Of Economic Studies 51.2 (2014): 231-247. Business Source Complete. Web. 10 May 2015.
