Writing Across Media Wiki


Font is the particular size, weight, and style of a typeface. See Typeface.


After the Industrial Revolution, fonts became larger and more eye-catching to work better in the new uses for typography, as fonts were now varying for uses like magazines, newspapers, and advertisements.

Font Characteristics []


The weight of the font describes the thickness of the character in relation to its height. It is also frequently explains as how heavy the font is. The relative order of thickness is usually fixed, in that include terms such as hairline, thin, ultra-light, extra-light, light, medium, bold and heavy. The standard weight of font in typing is normal, plain and/or regular. The weight of the font is mostly used with variation to emphasize or emphasize points, but has many other functions in context to Writing in Media.


The width, often confused with thickness is actually the space between letters, or the stretch of the font. While some fonts are compressed or narrow, some can be expanded or extended. Often times font width is dependent on its medium. Printed media has narrower fonts to fit as many legible words on the page as possible, for example newspapers often use Times New Roman, which is a relatively narrow font.

Opticial Size[]





List of websites that provide free font files for users to download legally:


Variety of Fonts

1001 Free Fonts

Font Squirrel: Handpicked Free Fonts for Graphic Designers



SimplyTheBest: FreeFonts

Fonts Today[]

Nowadays, the type of font that is used influences many things and is significant to technology and media. There are up to 1,000 different fonts available on today's technology.

This following link is to a short article about the recent font change on YouTube. The fact that such a change has been made and the significance to noticing or not to users shows how a font establishes a specific characteristic for media. http://thenextweb.com/insider/2015/05/13/did-you-notice-youtubes-new-font

Further readings[]



